Inserting Proxies in AIO Bot

In this tutorial...

We are going to teach you how to insert proxies inside the AIO Bot V2.

Good to know!

Proxies are needed if your IP is banned from the website you are trying to Cop from or if you want to avoid the risk of getting banned.

It's better to use 1 proxy for each task, but you can still use 2 tasks per proxy. 

  1. Open the Bot and press on the Proxies tab, then press on +Add new proxy list


  2. A new window will open, enter the list name (any name you want), and insert the proxies.


  3. After you click Save you'll see the proxy list name, the number of proxies in this list, and the actions tab.


  4. In the Actions tab, you have 3 buttons: favorite, edit, and delete



Now, you have sufficient knowledge to input your proxies!

Good Luck!

Contact our support team for additional help

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  • I have added all my proxies, but when testing it just say failed. How can i fix this/troubleshoot?

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  • Please do not test the proxies in the proxy tester since it's not a stable feature.

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  • Should I always have proxies set up or do I do this before the release for every release?

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  • You always need to use proxies, if you are trying to run more than 2 tasks on the website using the bot.

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  • so we need to always have 1 normal proxy and 1 monitor proxy per 1 task? 2 to 1 ratio!

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  • You always need the number of normal proxies equals the number of tasks running. For the monitor list, you need to use 20% of the total number of the proxies in the monitor list

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  • If I got 25 proxies for 25 tasks, do I have to create 12 normal proxies and 13 monitor proxies?? Or only 1 monitor proxy and the left for normal proxy?

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  • You need to use 20% of the total number of the proxies used in the bot as monitor proxies (use different proxies in the monitor list than the normal list). You can run 1 task for each one proxy on the normal list.

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  • Are proxies a 1 time use?

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  • It depends on the proxies type and the provider, sir!
    Check AIO proxies

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  • what does monitor proxies do

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  • Hi, so what you're saying is that I need 20% of the proxies to be monitor proxies and when I create the normal list 80% of my proxies should be there and the other 20 in my monitor list. Example for 12 proxies I would use like 3 for monitor?

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  • Hi there, what's the difference between normal and monitor proxy?

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  • Monitor proxies are used to monitor the site before the drop, please always make sure to put proxies there, and enable the list, even if you're using early links.
    For example, if you have 12 proxies, you need to put 2 in the monitor list, 10 in the normal list, and run 10 tasks on each website.

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  • Please help! after pasting the list of proxies and attempting to save it gives me a validation error
    - Proxy Format must be either

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  • Hi
    It seems that you're inserting the wrong proxy format in the Bot! Please, send us a screenshot to

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  • hi please i need help i purchased proxies but how much do add on the proxies list

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  • If you're running 2 tasks on the same website, without getting any issues, then you don't need to use proxies. 
    It's better to use 1 proxy for each 1 task on the same site. 

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