Quick Task Feature

In this tutorial…

We will show you how to use our new feature, "Quick task". It will increase your chances by creating tasks faster after monitoring the websites dropping items that we don't have info about their keywords.

First, you need to open your Discord and your Bot at the same time on the same PC and network.


Second: After creating billing profiles, select a favorite one in the "Billing" tab.


Third: After creating proxies lists, select a favorite one (Normal and monitor) in the "Proxies" tab.


The bot will use the favorite billing profile and proxies lists later while creating a quick task.

Fourth: Add accounts in the "Accounts settings" You need to add real accounts for websites that require a login to their website, so the bot will use these accounts later to log in to the website Screenshot_4.jpg

Now in the Discord, go to the #Shopify_monitor channel, you can see the websites dropping items, you can press on "Create".


On the release time, when you hit on "Create", the Bot will create and run immediately tasks using one of favorite and proceed. 

Keep in mind that you can't specify the size now. The bot will try to cop random size.

Good Luck!

Contact our support team for additional help

Discord.png   AIO_ANB Discord Server                Open_mail.png  support@aiobot.com

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  • How do I get into the discords?

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  • 0
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  • does it work with v2

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  • Yes! Go to settings > Shopify settings!

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  • once 'added!' what happens next?? I'm stuck then!

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  • Please send your logs to support@aiobot.com to follow up with you.

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  • hi, can you tell me what is PID in V.2 ?

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  • PID is the product ID. You can find it for each item in the Discord server.
    The AIO Bot Discord link: https://discord.gg/K8hPn2Z

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